September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    People who highlight and make notes in books… why? Especially, why in library books? (Yes I know some library books are donated/2nd hand)

    I’ve never understood highlighting and making notes in books. Whenever I wanted to remember something in a text I either wrote it down on note paper or wrote down the page and paragraph.

    (rant/annoyed because I’m reading a book I bought used and it has a bunch of notes in the margins)

    by aChunkyChungus


    1. Pretty_Analysis6860 on

      I am guilty of this. I annotate in my books. Not library ones of course. And I actually enjoy second hand books with some interesting notes, I’ll add mine along with a different pen.

      When I was dating my now husband I used to browse the books he had at his house .. I loved finding his underlines and little thoughts in the margins.

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