September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys

    Going through it big time at the moment. Feeling awful on ALL fronts and pretty hopeless. Wondering if you guys had any books you turn to when you’re feeling particularly low?

    In the past some books that have made me feel better include: Slaughterhouse 5 by Vonnegut (or anything by him really, his acknowledgment that often stuff is bad but his commitment to hope for the world regardless makes me feel better) and Kafka’s diaries – even if they’re super depressing, I guess I feel “seen” by them.

    Books could be any genre (apart from YA or graphic novels pls!), I’m open! They could be fun and funny that help me see the absurd joy in life once again, or they could be quite horribly depressing and a bleak reminder that I am never the only person who’s ever felt this way.

    Thank you!

    by GrrrrrrrArrrrggggggh


    1. For a graphic novel I highly recommend Everyone’s a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too by Jonny Sun. A simple but surprisingly profound story about a lonely alien sent to observe Earth.

    2. The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield or The Operator’s Guide For Planet Earth by D. Trinidad Hunt

    3. sunflowergirrrl on

      I read a book when I felt like this in my called called Naive.Super; the protagonist goes through a period of uncertainty in his life and reflects on what brought him joy, and seeks to educate himself on the things that worry him. It’s a short read and one that I revisit frequently

    4. Key-Sundae-3450 on

      As a Vonnegut fan and no stranger to existential dread myself, Duplex by Mike Nagel is the book for you.

    5. Life-Finding7879 on

      How to change your mind by Michael Pollan . Caffeine is also an interesting one by him. Why we sleep by Matthew Walker is also a good read

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