September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey there, I’m new to the world of reading and am currently looking for a good place to start. I’m not looking for anything in particular, just a good starting point that will allow me to grow my passion for reading. I mainly want to start with romance novels and preferably ones that are truly relatable. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    by supersamurai470


    1. Big-Antelope7805 on

      I’m reading a romance novel called terms and conditions by Lauren Asher and it’s really good, not like some of the cringey works that are going viral.

    2. If you want to go down a romance novel rabbit hole the website Smart Bitches, Trashy Books has great reviews.

      I’m guessing if you want relatable you’re looking for contemporary and not historical/ fantasy/ paranormal/ etc etc, probably normal people rather than billionaires/ pro sports players/ etc etc?

      I quite like Sarah Title, she writes nice everyday romances with people who have relatively normal jobs like librarian/ accountant/ city clerk/ etc.

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