July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I’m searching for a book that is reminiscent of my longtime childhood friend and that I can send to her after reading. We’ve been in each other’s lives through such pivotal moments and now in adulthood, miles apart, it feels like our relationship is stalling yet we still appreciate and have love for each other.

    Something that touches upon how distance, other people, differing interests, or one’s own self-exploration might cause temporary rifts over time but the friendship prevails could be nice. We both enjoy reading about strong-minded women, too. Thanks in advance!

    by terp9898


    1. This is a lovely question! <3 I wish the two of you all the best!

      The first author that came to my mind is Marianne Fredriksson. She often writes about (female) friendships and emphasises their value as long-term relationships that are often more consistent than romantic ones. I’m afraid none of her books is exactly like you describe – I particularly liked *Inge and Mira*, which is about two women forming a friendship later in life – but you might like them all the same.

    2. Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood. One of my favorite! It is about self, change, friendship and finding ones identity.

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