September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    After listening to Douglas Murray I’ve been in awe by his great linguistic ability. Because I’m not a native speaker, I find myself incapable of using the right words. All the books I read are in English, though the level of books I read aren’t linguistically challenging. Books like ‘Atomic Habits’ or ‘The Alter Ego Effect’. So that’s where my level is at.

    Hope you guys have some great recommendations!

    by 94Caesar

    1 Comment

    1. MagisterScriptor on

      Well, to be honest, the books your reading aren’t written to be great works of prose and are intentionally written to reach as wide an audience as possible. It’s not a bad thing, but that’s the nature of the political and self-help genres.


      So, let me see if I can offer some things outside those genres.


      Horror: Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe by Thomas Ligotti

      This could be good, because not only is Ligotti a great writer and great with his prose, but these are also short stories and so there is less commitment to taking it in one go.


      Sci-Fi: Anathem by Neal Stephenson

      Quantum Mechanics and philosophical debate. Lots of people don’t make it though this one on their first go. Really, any of Stephenson’s works should fit what you are looking for.


      Non-Fiction: Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell

      Not a particularly hard read, but it does take a good look at language and how it is used.

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