September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I love learning about new things and I enjoy stories a lot. But I get easily distracted. I can’t even finish a page nowadays without being distracted and this has resulted in me not finishing a book in like 7 years.

    The last books and only book I have ever finished in my life is Goosebumps (That Gnome story).

    When I start reading a paragraph, I do okay but by the end of that paragraph I either get distracted or I forget how that paragraph started and how it eventually connects. This then prompts me to re-read the entire paragraph, countless times.

    Eventually I get burnt out and I don’t finish the page. I don’t know how to fix this, but I want to be able to read books again.

    I need some advice.

    by inoobie_am


    1. Are you still in school? (There are resources IRL to help, if you are in school. That’s why I’m asking.)

    2. After 7 years of trying perhaps reading books isn’t for you? Have you tried audio books?

    3. Is there anywhere you can go to not be distracted? I grew up in a tiny house so I know it’s sometimes hard to get away from distractions in a small living space. I guess I would need to know what distracts you.

      You may also have ADHD. I have friends with it and they love to read but could not concentrate. Their doctors used a combination of medication (for school only) and anti-distraction techniques to help them. One of these friends is a young woman just turning 30 and she is now self-publishing on Amazon.

    4. Look up the coping skills and techniques they teach to ADHD kids. Even if you haven’t been diagnosed, it sounds like those might help you.

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