September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m trying to find a good list that comes out with recent publishes to find new books other than NYT/large newspapers that have a running compiled list. Also, probably uninterested in celebrity book clubs.

    Where do you all turn to to find new reads? I know this sub has a weekly recommendation thread.

    by Lawnchair_Larry


    1. For me this is a pretty active and ongoing process. I admittedly don’t read much “new” fiction insofar as reading stuff that is recently released. Usually I get to things 2-3 years after release at the earliest. But every so often I will find something rather new that does catch my interest and get me to read it rather early on. I think the best places for getting ideas about new stuff are literary publications/sites: LARB, NYRB, LRB, LitHub, Bookforum, The Millions, etc.

    2. Abject-Hamster-4427 on

      My local library puts out a lot of great recommendation lists (like at least 2 per month, one generic and one themed across different age ranges), and most of the books on there are recent (and new to me at least) and they tend to choose some that aren’t as hyped up in other places. I’ve really enjoyed some books I’ve gotten from those lists!

    3. Both the Boston Public Library and the Guardian publish lists/reviews… the Graun has little reviews (best recent mysteries, best recent fantasy/sci-fi) and the BPL has capsule descriptions. If you’re near a big city library it probably publishes something similar, with the Guardian you can search for it.

      I have most luck just browsing my library shelves obsessively.

    4. Peppery_penguin on

      It’s an ongoing and active process for me, too. The NYT has a ‘9 New Books to Read This Week’ article that I keep tabs on, and CBC Books keeps me updated on new and notable Canadian works, and I follow all the major literary prizes (Booker, Giller, Pulitzer, National Book Award) processes. Add in the social media accounts of authors and readers I trust and my list is always ongoing and evolving and I’m rarely without a couple exciting options to read at all times.

      edit: I also follow subs like r/IReadaBookandAdoredIt to generate new suggestions

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