September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have recently started getting into audiobooks as I tend to drive a lot for my job. I found quite a niche of books that I like however, I can’t find the best way to describe them, nor what other books to find similar two of them. First off I’ll say I like fiction books I think they’re far more interesting to me. the type of books I like are the suspenseful the world is ending kind of books. Or a monster that is going to attack. The best example of this I have found is the book “The Noise” by James Patterson and “aurora” by David Koepp. I’m not really sure how to explain it other than I like the whole disaster/end of the world theme. I’m currently reading “Carrier Wave” by Robert Brockway. If anyone can help a new reader like me of the best genre or sub genre of books to look into or books suggestions in general that would be highly appreciated thank you in advance!

    by BardWithASabre

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