July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A friend of mine has their birthday coming up and has been vocal about their love of Khaled Hosseini. One aspect of Hosseini that the friend as shown admiration for is his tendency to keep his home, his culture and his Afghani identity close to heart, despite now being an American citizen. Are there other writers who embody these characteristics? Who write in a similar manner and cover similar topics? I’d like to pick up a book that my friend could connect with in the way they do with Hosseini’s works.

    by mayoconquest


    1. bibliophile2420 on

      maybe Abraham Verghese – particularly his book “Cutting for Stone”. these is a heavy medical aspect to the book (due to him being a doctor) but he is the son to Indian parents and grew up in Ethiopia where his parents taught english. i think his story telling is beautiful!

    2. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      flight behaviour by Barbara kingsolver follows three different storylines. one of them is a young arab-american woman who married a farmer and then was unexpectedly widowed.

      digging to America by Anne Tyler might appeal to your friend.

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