July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hey! I’m actually quite old for someone with such a rocky relationship with reading. I’ve always found the amount of knowledge and experiences locked behind the pages of a book so extremely fascinating but I’ve never found time to start reading due to my own laziness and lack of discipline. I’ve already lost so much time compared to my peers who started as early as twelve. I’m very aware it’s not a competition but there are a lot of books I wanna go through to even attempt catching up to them knowledge wise. I’d just really appreciate books that would get me hooked up on reading and be related to the subject matter given it may help me find a sense of direction

    I’d appreciate if you guys could suggest some easier to digest books because I’m a new reader

    by Resident-Dark5441


    1. HughHelloParson on

      Ada or Ardor, A family Chronicle by Vladimir Nabokov

      Transparent Things by Vladimir Nabokov

      The Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson

      Justine by Laurence Durell

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