September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m about to travel a very long distance to be with my mom who is diagnosed with an advanced stage lung cancer. I’m leaving behind my husband and two young daughters which is not easy for me. I have no idea what’s about to come and how hard it is going to be not how long it will last. I’ll keep on working remotely from my mom’s house so I don’t even know how much time I’ll have to keep on reading. But I’d love to have a book to keep my spirits up and to help me cope with the situation and keep me mentally healthy. What do you recommend?

    by Aga1024

    1 Comment

    1. Legitimate-Donut-368 on

      I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I hope you and your family find peace and your mother comfort.

      Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl is a book that always makes me feel better, it helps me prioritize my thoughts and life and reminds me pain is temporary.

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