July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve really given the comedy genre its chance and I have to say, nothing makes me laugh as much as Vonnegut. Have you IDed any other authors similar to either his type of humor or an author where humor wouldn’t be the first tag on GR but is still funny?

    by demilitarizdsm


    1. Tom Robbins is awesome. Jitterbug Perfume, Skinny Legs and All, Still Life with Woodpecker are my favourites.

    2. I always view Vonnegut as singular in that nothing ever feels quite the same. Even where his books could easily be considered sci-fi, I think plant include them in my favorite sci fi books just because it feels almost like it’s own genre to me.

      I feel like in some ways Catch 22 bears some similarities. Much less fantastical, but thought provoking and just an excellent book. I’d note it kind of begins in the middle so it is easy to get discouraged because you don’t know what’s going on. This is part of the experience.

      Second, Pratchett. It is hard to put my finger on why I think Pratchett comes closest to Vonnegut’s humor. I would simply say that I am always impressed with the ideas behind Vonnegut’s works even when I have (minor) qualms with other aspects of his books.

      Pratchett also strikes me as having humor that is similarly brilliant. I think the books wind up being quite different overall, but I can’t think of anyone else who even comes close.

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