September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone. I’m 30M and I have a massive blindspot in my reading of classic feminist literature so I’d love some suggestions.

    I’m talking Austen. The Brontes. Plath. Woolf. I’d eventually like to read a few of each of these (as well as any other authors I may not be aware of or have forgotten) interspersed throughout next year which I’m in the process of loosely planning.

    Just something about me: I typically like to start with an author’s B or B+ work. That way, if I dislike it or maybe don’t quite vibe with it, I can try their A- or A work. And if I do like the B, great, there’s better still to come. I’ve found that if I read the best an author has first, I’m typically disappointed by their “lesser” works. So if you could take the time to make the distinction, I’d appreciate that greatly.

    Thank you ahead of time for the suggestions. I truly appreciate it.

    by SoylentGreen-YumYum


    1. Austen: from a feminist perspective, you want Emma and Pride and Prejudice. Her best novel imo is Persuasion.

      Little Women by Louisa Alcott

    2. lassbutnotleast on

      George Eliot is a must. My favorite by her is Middlemarch and it’s also her longest, so maybe don’t start with that one. The Mill on the Floss was good but not her best, so maybe you could start there. Also Edith Wharton is great. My favorite by her is Ethan Frome, but I also loved Age of Innocence. The House of Mirth is good too, but not my fav so for what you’re looking for I’d start with that one.

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