September 2024
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    I’m particularly looking for that similar “dystopic and human feeling” in the book. I’ve already read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and heard that Snow Crasher and Neuromancer were good choices? Any others/are those good books to go for?


    by kornixo


    1. What you are asking about sounds like the cyberpunk genre. These books commonly contain themes of humanity, humans merging with machines in some way (this could be literal, or it could be more like in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), drugs or other mind alterations, and a dystopia marked by steep economic inequality.

      Snow Crash and Neuromancer are both great classics (though I liked Neuromancer’s sequel Count Zero better), and I’d also recommend:

      * [Trouble and Her Friends]( by Melissa Scott. All about what it means to allow yourself to be vulnerable.

      * [We Are Satellites]( by Sarah Pinsker. This one isn’t dystopian, it is basically just like the real world in terms of problems, but I think it’s a good starting point. The characters feel very human and well written, and the writing style is more grounded and seems to me like it would have broad appeal.

      * [Hardwired or Voice of the Whirlwind]( by Walter Jon Williams. They are considered a series, but each stands alone and there’s no overlap of characters or locations.

      * [Synners by Pat Cadigan](

      * [Blackfish City]( by Sam J. Miller. A recently published book, but it has a retro feel that reminded me a bit of Neuromancer.

      * [Islands in the Net]( by Bruce Sterling. This book is a mix of surprisingly accurate ideas of the future, such as how people would use something like the internet, mixed with *painfully* dated ideas.

      * [Accelerando]( by Charles Stross

      * [The Otherland series](, four enormous books with a large cast of characters.

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