September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I truly desperately just what to read sapphic books where the main characters aren’t teenage white girls 😭 Like at LEAST where the main character isn’t white pls.

    Something with the vibe of like:
    •Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase by Rick Riordan
    •The Valkyrie’s Daughter by Tiana Warner
    •The Lost Girls by Sonia Hartl
    •First Kill (the TV show that got canceled, RIP)
    •Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
    •Huntress, Ash by Malinda Low
    •The Owl House (also a show but it’s so good)
    •She-Ra reboot (also a show ofc but like it’s also very good)
    ♡Basically just stuff with fun and
    interesting lore, even horror!!! But they’re
    sapphic adults and not white!! Doesn’t
    necessarily have to be focused on romance

    Also would love recs for more romance types (also adult and not white) like
    •Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes (absolute fave)
    •That Summer Feeling by Bridget Morrissey
    ♡Just cute sapphic stories pls pls pls

    !!Tropes/concepts that WILL win me over:
    ♡Enemies to lovers
    ♡Found family
    ♡Fake dating
    ♡Angry, unhinged women
    ♡Latine (especially Caribbean) main characters

    ◇PS: if you haven’t read the examples I give in the post, I 100% recommend them! Amazing books and shows 10/10. They’re all sapphic MCs except for the Rick Riordan ones.
    💖💖💖💖💖Thank you 💖💖💖💖💖

    by pata_inmunda


    1. blue-green-cloud on

      Have you read Samantha Shannon’s *The Priory of the Orange Tree*? It’s Sapphic fantasy, and two out of the three POV characters are WOC.

      If you don’t mind gritty fantasy, *The Traitor Baru Cormorant* and its sequels are great. The main character is a lesbian of colour, and most of her romantic connections are WOC, too.

      *The Space between Worlds* by Micaiah Johnson is also a good read. It’s a trippy sci-fi story with a bisexual WOC as the protagonist. The author is also a biracial woman.

      Finally, I just read *House of Hunger* by Alexis Henderson. The MC is biracial, and it’s a creepy, Sapphic vampire story.

    2. Pretty_Fairy_Queen on

      – Cantoras by Carolina De Robertis (the women are Latinas; it’s set in Chile)
      – The Color Purple by Alice Walker
      – Solo Dance by Li Kotomi (set in Taiwan and Japan)
      – Prize Money by Celeste Castro
      – The Unbroken by C. L. Clark
      – You, Me, U.S. by Brigitte Bautista
      – When Tara Met Farah by Tara Pammi
      – My Little Green Girlfriend by Kimberly Hart
      – Stud Like Her by Fiona Zedde
      – Match to Love by Johana Gavez

    3. The Winnowing Flame trilogy by Jen Williams (first book is the Ninth Rain). There are three main characters introduced in the first book, one is an older black woman who is sapphic.

      I loved the world building in the series and while romance isn’t the main focus of the plot, I thought the relationships were well-developed.

    4. The third and fourth books of the Alpennia series by Heather Rose Jones. In *Mother of Souls*, one of the two main f/f characters was born in Italy of Ethiopian parents and travelled to Alpennia to learn magic. Both main characters are adults.

      In *Floodtide*, one of the f/f characters is half black and her black mother is also one of the characters. *Floodtide* is a standalone book that takes place over and after the events in *Mother of Souls* and has teen protagonists.

      The two main f/f characters in *Daughter of Mystery* and in *The Mystic Marriage* (the first two books in the series) are all white. In *Daughter*, the two girls start out as 19 and go until 21. In *Marriage*, one of the characters is in her 30s, I think, and the other is mid 20s.

      These books are Fantasy of Manners and take place a starting a few years after the end of the Napoleonic Wars.

      There’s found family in these books, and an overall story arc that pulls together a community of women scholars, thaumaturgists, scientists, artists, alchemists, and patrons.

    5. [the final strife]( is a really fantastic book set in an African-inspired fantasy world. all three leads are Black queer women (and two are disabled!) there’s a sequel i haven’t gotten a chance to read yet 🙁 has enemies to lovers

      [the verifiers]( stars a chinese-american lesbian and is a murder mystery but has no romance out of my recs this is my least favourite but it was still good

      [the well]( lot of “the” titles in this post) is a super cute fantasy graphic novel with some deep themes the main character is a witch and Asian

      and these ones i haven’t read yet but have heard good things about:

      [blood sisters]( is a murder mystery with a Cherokee lesbian lead (she’s an archaeologist which i think sounds super cool!)

      [songs of irie]( is a ya so i am sorry about that, but it is a love story between two Jamaican women so i hope that cancels out the ya part

    6. A Master of Djinn by P. Djèli Clark is set in an alternate historical Egypt. Sapphic and neither of the characters are white.

      There are two shorter works that prequel the novel but you don’t have to read them for the novel to make sense (I read the book but not the preceding stories and while there were times I could tell some characters had history, I had no problems following the plot or the emotional arcs).

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