July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey all, like the title suggests I’m looking for a book similar to The Chronicles of Narnia but less tragic. The idea of going in and out of a magical world is so up my alley, I just really don’t want to read anything that will bum me out too much. I like the Harry Potter series but they were a little too simple in the beginning and got a little too serious towards the end. It’s been a long time since I’ve read it but maybe something like Alice in Wonderland but for adults? My friend recommended the first Howl’s Moving Castle book and I found it really charming but it was a bit too light hearted and simple and also took place in a completely magical world (for the most part, at least). I definitely want some tension and drama but The Chronicles of Narnia just seems too upsetting for me to enjoy.

    TLDR: I like the idea of following the protagonist through different whimsical worlds but I don’t want to read another hopeless war story with tons of character death. I also don’t want something too simple or childish. Lengthy, somewhat challenging, and morally grey characters is a big plus. I also prefer multiple pov characters but don’t need it.

    by Trusty_Wick


    1. Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” series was written in part as a response to how “Chronicles of Narnia” depicts growing up as the worst thing ever. It’s morally complex, and dark at times (there are deaths, including child deaths) but it’s not as hopeless as CoN.

      The reason I suggest it is because it was written for all ages, but was marketed as a kid’s book because it’s got the superficial trappings of a kid’s book (it starts off like, “let’s go on an adventure with our talking animal friends!” The adventure doesn’t go as planned.)

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