July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello again! I’ve recently been digging my hands into anthropology and I’m dying to get some more books. I’m more specifically looking for biological anthropology books and cultural anthropology books. I would prefer if the CA books were centered around the global south, more specifically west Africa, the Middle East, and south/south east Asia.

    I recently finished First Steps by Jeremy DeSilva, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

    I also wouldn’t mind some non-fiction books on culturally significant areas of the world and their empires like Mesopotamia and the Assyrian or Babylonian empire, or China and their dynasties.

    Thanks in advance!

    by CrickWaterDrinker


    1. originalsibling on

      My great-aunt was an anthropologist, but her area of expertise was the exact opposite of what you’re looking for: she worked with the native peoples of Alaska and Greenland. In case you’re interested anyway, her name was Frederica de Laguna, and her books include _A Voyage To Greenland_, _Tales From the Dena_, _Travels Among the Dena_, and _Under Mt. St. Elias_. She also wrote a murder mystery set in Alaska called _Fog on the Mountain_.

    2. You might check out the [AUPresses Subject Area Grid](https://aupresses.org/resources/aupresses-subject-area-grid/)for university presses that publish in these areas. These are often written by experts for a more general audience.

      Off the top of my head, I only know ones published by Gallaudet University Press, since they intersect with my area (deaf studies).

      But I know presses like Duke and Chicago also do a lot of cultural anthropology, so it may be worth perusing their lists/catalogs!

    3. *Dance of the Dolphin* is a fascinating ethnography. It’s about the Global South, but South America (the Amazon).

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