September 2024
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    What’s the best small press/indie lit book you’ve read in the past five years? Any genre, short stories, non-fiction, etc.

    by Key-Sundae-3450


    1. I’m not sure if “Elena Knows” by Claudia Piñero counts, but it’s such a gorgeous book.

      “I Who Have Never Known Men” is another recent favorite.

      I really like translated fiction, but I’ve never paid attention to the size of the publisher, so I wanted to contribute what little I can and follow this thread to see what everyone else says.

      If you don’t mind me asking, what are some of your favorites?

    2. DruryLaneMuffins on

      Less Than by A.D. Long is one that has stuck with me.

      Highly recommend looking it up and reading some of the reviews. It was just released a few weeks ago and it really hits you in the heart.

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