July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all, long time lurker, first time poster.

    I was just watching through a bunch of Ted-Ed videos on why I should read some of the classics, and realised that I actually quite enjoy watching people discussing books. I’ve never really gone out of my way to look for book discussion podcasts or YouTube channels or anything, but the Ted-ED stuff has piqued my interest, so I thought I’d ask- are there any book reviewers that you swear by? Who should I be listening to, who does good analysis of theme and context and all that lovely stuff, who do you swear by as having a great, well informed opinion?


    by mendkaz


    1. The history of literature podcast (Jacke Wilson) is amazing. The first episodes sometimes drag a bit at first, with lots of jokes and banter but it is very fun, sharp and has good production values. There are almost 500 episodes, so I usually look for a specific author on the website, and then download these on my podcast app.

    2. Better than Food on Youtube. You can tell he loves reading and find the merits in every book. Including the ones he admits to not liking.

    3. This is so genre-dependent, but an all-rounder I love is **Books and Bao** on YouTube. It helps that Willow used to be a teacher, so she is amazing at explaining things clearly and in detail.

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