July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read a lot of sad books. None of them have made me cry ever. Soooooo hit me with your best (or worst…?). Some of the books that came the closest are A Little Life, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Song of Achilles, and Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.

    by catclaie23


    1. The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah made me bawl my eyes out at the end.

      It’s based during the Holocaust and how the women were surviving those times. It’s a historical fiction book and one of my favorite books of all time. I don’t know if other people would consider it a sad book though.

    2. The Other Bennett Sister. Probably hit hard for me based on how I connected with her family dynamic

      I really enjoyed the reframe (for some) of Pride and Prejudice and the character development of Mary and others

    3. The triple play of childhood sorrow and grief:
      Charlotte’s Web
      Bridge to Terabithia
      Where The Red Fern Grows

      For adults:
      A Dog’s Purpose
      A Child Called It
      The Art of Racing In The Rain

    4. I cry at most books and movies, even if there is nothing super emotional happening, but The Fault in Our Stars by John Green had me SOBBING and I still cry hard every time I read it. Same with the movie, I cried for most of it and then for about 15 minutes after.

    5. Marley and Me. Maybe I read it at the wrong time – my dog had recently died – but that book hit me hard.

    6. In Memoriam by Alice Winn. Hands down the best book I’ve read in so long. I was emotionally invested to a bizarre degree, like I thought about the characters and their story constantly when I wasn’t reading it. And painful. Oh yeah it’s painful.

    7. yesiamyam233203 on

      Unexpectedly The Moonlight Child by Karen McQuestion. Made my entire tough crowd book club bawl at the end.

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