July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m looking for a (broadly self-help) story that I could read to feel less alone and feel inspired by the end if it. I have friends and family, but away for grad studies and yesterday I had a panic attack after four months of strength.

    I feel alone as a queer male helpless romantic almost envious of all the relationships developing. I exhibit sexually deviant characteristics to cope. I have some maladaptive thoughts about not feeling good enough or that people may not care about me. I have anxiety over studies, finances, and social.

    I am spiritual and a little religious (christianity) if that may help.

    I have previously read beautiful books like the power of now by eckhart tolle and the circe by madeline miller. I mention two vastly different books to capture the breadth of my interest.

    Thank you.

    by qinetics

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