September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m a big fantasy reader but haven’t gotten around to Sanderson yet despite the hype he gets. There’s no particular reason for this other than a natural suspicion for male authors and their ability to be normal about writing women, lol. But I’ve seen enough women online who love and vouch for his work that I figured it’s worth giving him a shot!

    If you had to pick just one book of his to recommend, what would it be?

    I don’t mind if it’s long and intimidating as long as someone vouches for it being really good 🙂

    by IReadBooksSometimes


    1. originalsibling on

      If you’re willing to start off with a series, I’d say do the Mistborn books. They’re honestly my favorite stuff he’s written. If a trilogy is too much of a commitment, try _Warbreaker_. I see people recommending _Elantris_ as a first book from him, but I enjoyed _Warbreaker_ more.

    2. i started mistborn first but mostly because its a hiest book, secondly i put all the books on my library holds list and mistborn was the first avalible.

    3. His books are entertaining, but his female characters (and sometimes the men) do tend to be a bit cardboard-ish. His writing strengths imo are his magic systems and world building, so for that reason I like Elantris and Mistborn. If you like novellas, I also enjoyed the Emperor’s Soul. Just keep your character expectations low. 🙂

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