September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone i need some advice i’m redecorating my house currently and finally have the space to dedicated a whole room to my bookcases! the issue is there’s a big ass radiator taking up more than half of one of the walls.

    My idea is to remove it completely so I can just fit more bookshelves there instead but I’m unsure if it’s safe for my books?, my collection is massive (1500+ and counting) and don’t wanna take risks for them getting damaged. Humidity is the big issue in my country (UK) rather than temperature I’ve had my books for 10+ years already with BILLY bookcases and they’re still in great conditions so would anyone have any advice?

    by Blood-Upbeat

    1 Comment

    1. I’m not sure if precise answer but my Dad recently did the same (whole room dedicated to his books) and got a carpenter in to do custom made shelves.

      Even if you don’t end up using them, getting a specialist to go through your options sounds like a good plan. They could tell you the best way to deal with the radiator, or alternative ways of keeping the room at the right temp/humidity to store books.

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