September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The synopsis seemed intriguing. The start was riveting. But I’ve been falling asleep I don’t know how many times since I started it. I’m 30% in now so I’m in this sunk cost fallacy, where I invested so much time now and I’m just wondering if I should push through. Should I push through? I hear so much praise on this book but for me it. Just. Does. Not. Work.
    Not even mentioning the weird punctuation (lack of) and style, where I feel like I’m inside someone’s gibberish blabbering. Should I just cut my losses?
    Also, don’t know if it’s worth mentioning but I was in a reading slump for weeks and I had hoped this book would get me out of it. Needless to say, it failed.

    by Star-Flooring199

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