September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Used to be my favorite books as a kid, read so many of them. It just had a special charm. Is there any young adult / adult horror series with a certain charm to it, and creative surreal stories? Id prefer it to not just be normal realistic and have some fantastical/mystical horror happen like in goosebumps. Theres also the fact that goosebumps can transition from light heartedness to creepy/horror with ease. What’ll scratch the itch?

    by Dragloncon

    1 Comment

    1. There’s actually a ton out there though they tend to skew darker than Goosebumps. Check out anything edited by Ellen Datlow. She has a lot of themed anthologies that have these elements you’re looking for. I’m a few stories into Christmas and Other Horrors and it would definitely scratch the itch.

      I’d also check out Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare.

      I’ve got other reccs, but I wanted to ask, what do you mean by realistic horror. Can you give me a film example of that? Like, Friday the 13th to me is “realistic” because it’s basically about a crazed killer murdering teens. Nightmare on Elm Street is a slasher like F13 but not realistic so to me that would fall in your category.

      EDIT: Midsommer or Get Out to me would be sort of mix where there’s fantastic elements, but they’re not necessarily the focus.

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