July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m in the middle of nursing school, have been leaning on audiobooks for coping, but have found it difficult to stay tuned for long if theres any slump in the reading. Normally I tend towards thriller and horror books. Last book read was Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine. However, I really need a book that helps me relax and reminds me people are good that I can listen to in short durations. I’ve been struggling with anxiety and stress frequently lately. I was maybe thinking an autobiography (but im very unfamiliar with them).

    by matattack1925


    1. Try The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

      Not autobiography, definitely not thriller or horror, but the audiobook is really well done, and the story is hopeful without being sappy. I found it really resonated with me at a time when I was feeling low♥️

    2. Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton. It’s a memoir read by the author. I don’t know if relaxing is how I would describe it, but it was very engaging and easy to listen to. It’s about a woman in her twenties trying to figure out life and love.

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