September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi I’m working on a series currently and one of the characters I’m writing goes to prison for a significant time in their arc. In getting closer to writing that arc, I’m realizing I could use some more knowledge on that subject.

    Do y’all have any recommendations for good books about the experience of being imprisoned? Anything relating specifically to Soviet Union prisons would be a big help, but anything that speaks to the experience at large is more than enough. Thanks 🙂

    by dragonsorcerer9


    1. **With God in Prison** is a memoir from Walter Ciszek, an American priest who was captured in Poland in 1939, “convicted” of being a Vatican spy, held in Lubyanka prison for five years, then a labor camp in Siberia for 15 years.

      I haven’t read this one, I’ve only read his later **He Leadeth Me** which is an even more spiritual take on the same events.

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