July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I read a lot, and my husband *wants* to read a lot, but he has a hard time paying attention enough to read. He says the last book that really grabbed his attention was Ender’s Game, so I think something with low difficulty but high plot reward would be best. The trouble is he doesn’t want to read anything that’s a “children’s book” or YA. He really likes sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian, and murder mysteries. We’re listening to the ACOTAR series, which he’s enjoying, but I think something with a male main character and less spice would be more his speed.

    by texmarie


    1. Anansi Boys or American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Both are great audiobooks. I would also add the Sandman Audibooks by Neil Gaiman.

    2. Martha Wells’ *Murderbot Diaries* series of sci-fi novellas follow a cyborg that hires out to protect humans at the edge of the galaxy. Quick-paced, action-packed.

      The first one is **All Systems Red**

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