July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m hoping for a sci-fi/fantasy book that’s available in audio format, ideally a bit light and fun but not outright zany/ridiculous.

    Things I know I like:

    * Mistborn (the original trilogy)
    * Discworld & Bromeliad Trilogy
    * Wheel Of Time (although it was a slog in the middle)
    * The old Dragonlance series (Weis & Hickman)
    * The Darksword Trilogy
    * Death Gate Cycle
    * Ringworld (the original book by Niven)
    * Dune (the first book

    I wasn’t excited by:

    * Bobiverse (felt like there was too much to track – especially in audio)
    * Foundryside (seemed slow to develop, plot-wise)

    As I get older I like sci-fi/fantasy where the premise is a little different from the standard “wizards and warriors” thing.

    I particularly liked the gimmick in Mistborn (pushing/pulling against metal, “burning” metal, etc.), and I even liked the gimmick of Foundryside but found the story non-compelling and boring.

    Any thoughts?

    by WhoIsRobertWall


    1. funningincircless on

      Magic 2.0 is light, but not as zany as Discworld

      also try Christopher Moore, Piers Anthony, and Douglas Adams

      Jasper Fforde is great, as well as Lois McMaster-Bujold, but if you didn’t like Bobiverse you might not be interested

    2. gonzoforpresident on

      *Myth Adventures* by Robert Asprin – Light, fun series about a mediocre apprentice wizard whose master promptly died after playing a prank on another wizard, leaving the apprentice and the other wizard stuck in a backwards kingdom with basically no magic.

      *Spellsinger series* by Alan Dean Foster – A guitarist is summoned to another world and finds he can vaguely control magic via his songs.

      *Wiz series* by Rick Cook – A hacker is accidentally summoned to another world (I’m noticing a theme in my suggestions) and learns to program magic, much to the distaste of the magicians who already inhabit the world.

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