September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The Only One Left was my first Riley Sager novel and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    It’s definitely one of those novels where you get more satisfaction in the aftermath of the finishing it.

    I found myself more attached to the environment and atmosphere of the story rather than the characters with the exclusion of Miss Hope.

    Hopes End tilting sideways and slowly falling apart was such a perfect setting for the story and people inside!

    I do feel that there was some unnecessary and repetitive explanation throughout that took up, what I think could have been more character building for Kit or *any* of the other characters.

    I even think laying down some the twists like landmines vs the snowball effect towards the end of the book would have helped with the pacing.

    Overall it’s a lovely read. Especially if you enjoy 80’s gothic-esque mystery!

    by cuppaclouds

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