July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What is the best character voice and perspective you’ve ever read in a book? Like, one that’s very distinct and very interesting while also still feeling emotionally resonate and true?

    Bonus points for a multiple perspective novel where the two (or more) characters’ voices and thought processes are super distinct from each other, but not in a superficial way—a way that reaches to their cores. The way that real people differ from each other

    As I’m typing this I’m realizing this is a pretty high ask but if you have anything you’re on the edge about, just recommend it. 😋

    by DearKambell

    1 Comment

    1. FraughtOverwrought on

      The book I read most recently where I thought holy shit this feels like I’m properly inhabiting the head of a fully realised human is Demon Copperhead. It’s first person not dual though.

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