July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I began reading Mistborn, from Brandon Sanderson, and yesterday I finished the second book. Today I was supposed to have the third, but Amazon made a mess reaching my home and I’ll have it on Monday.

    I have dreams about the books. I wake up thinking of reading them. Today I’m feeling very sad for not having the third, for not having the possibility to continue the story. My mind is nearly all of the time making theories about what is going to happen.

    Am I falling in a book mental illness? Am I gonna go completely mad? Am I just crazy, or are books driving me crazy?

    by SirRickOfEarth


    1. That happens to me when I’ve read a really good book. My friend told me they’re called book hangovers. Nothing cures them until you get your hands on the next book in the series, in which case it starts all over again. Lord help you when you reach the end of the series lol

    2. It just means that you want more of that story, it’ll go away over time but if you wish to stave off the withdrawal symptoms, either read more of that story or read fanfiction set in that world.

    3. no that’s absolutely normal I had the same experience with Notes From the Underground by that russian dude. i read it and was like damn dude that’s literally me, so I started looking for an underground to live in but couldn’t find one in my city. one thing though you have to watch out for these guys, sometimes they are roaming the streets, the so called “therapists” because they want to “diagnose” you and give you “pills” to stop you from “hallucinating” – their word for book immersion. but here’s a tip, you can also book immerge real good like, if you can find people that will read the book out loud – it’s not just in your read, so it’s a more immersive experience – and to make faces and pretend that they’re the characters in the story, that’s immersive af

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