July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m ordering a few books on a $50 budget, there’s 4 I chose from my Amazon list but I have to choose to leave one behind.

    Which one should I save for another time:

    Piranesi – Susanna Clarke

    Kafka on the Shore – Haruki Murakami

    House of Leaves – Mark Danielewski

    Secret History – Donna Tartt

    by SwaggyyyyP11


    1. leave house of leaves. you’ll either love it or hate. it. i personally didn’t care for it at all. felt really gimmicky in a bad way. i loved pranesi though. especially as an audiobook. it was great.

    2. GoodGirl_GoneMissin on

      Unless you’re someone who displays books or for some other reason will hold onto them, check your local library. They may have at least one book on your list which saves you some money to put towards the books they don’t. If you’re open to audiobooks, Hoopla and Libby are free.

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