July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Written by Jean Sheppard.

    This is the greatest of all Christmas movies in my opinion. It only did modest when it first released in the 80s. Overtime, it grew in popularity and of course is held in such high regard.

    I found this book on Libby and got excited. I learned that the book was written before the movie and came from some work Jean has done in In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash and Wanda Hickey’s Night of Golden Memories.

    I enjoyed the book and laughed and thought so much of the movie. I think it’s definitely a great book you can knock out in a day.

    by SalamiMommie


    1. His books are awesome and they made at least three other films: It Runs In The Family, Wanda Hickey’s Fourth of July, and my favorite, Ollie Hopnoodle’s Haven of Bliss, in which a teenage Ralph and his family take an ill-fated roadtrip to experience a solid week of rain in the titular Haven.

    2. Music_City_Madman on

      I need to read the book, I might do it this year. I’ve seen the film probably 30 times. It’s usually the last Christmas film I watch on Christmas Day as the holiday ends.

    3. I thought — and I rarely think this — that the movie was better than the book.

      The movie took a selection of disconnected short stories and wove them together into a coherent narrative centered around Christmas. Also the book went into older Ralphie while the movie stuck with Ralphie when he was still an innocent child.

      Reading the book made me even more impressed with the movie. What the screenwriter did was brilliant.

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