September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I kept seeing people talk about The Fourth Wing everywhere, and I decided that if I came across it at some point that I’d just see what all the fuss was about.

    I was browsing Libby recently for audiobooks available now, and I saw what I thought I had remembered was the title. What I ended up checking out was called The Four Winds. I thought, great, this will be fine to listen to while I do chores and I can evaluate it for myself.

    A couple hours in, I was like, wait a minute? Weren’t there supposed to be dragons in this? I don’t see how dragons will show up in Dust Bowl-era Texas. I realized my mistake, but I was invested at this point and ended up really liking the book.

    Has something like this happened to you? What were the books and the outcome?

    by enjoyfoodagain


    1. Dazzling-Ad4701 on

      everybody seemed to be reading Murakami in my part of Canada. so I picked something up off a thrift store sale table without looking at it too closely.

      I was about halfway in before I realised I was reading runaway horses by yukio Mishima. *so* disoriented.

    2. *The Invisible Man* by Ralph Ellison is a very different book than *Invisible Man* by H.G. Wells lol.

    3. A year or two ago I was looking for an old sci-fi series I enjoyed about a future war being fought where, due to relativistic speeds, the soldiers ended up fighting in wars while entire generations passed on Earth. Technologies leap-frogged as units crossed space-time. Veterans were subjectively slowly aging, but centuries were passing on earth and they could be ‘hundreds’ of years older than newer recruites. I ended up reading John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War. It was similar but I kept thinking I rally had forgotten a lot of the original story. Eventually I realized that the series I was originally thinking of was Joe Haldeman’s The Forever War. But I enjoyed Scalzi’s work and discovered a new author to follow. 10/10, would recommend accidental finds like this.

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