September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve only read The Long Walk. I’ve seen all the movies based on his books.

    I’d like a recommendation for a King book that isn’t super slow moving and hasn’t been made into a movie. One I won’t be able to put down.


    by Strange-Assistant-32


    1. Dizzy_School_4815 on

      Also the only Stephen king book I’ve read! Looking forward to seeing what people recommend

    2. The Talisman. First King book I ever read, great story, not his usual horror fare. I was afraid of “It” when I was a kid, and reading The Talisman in grade school let me dip my toe into King’s universe without nightmares.

    3. Key-Sundae-3450 on

      I started with The Dead Zone and that worked for me, but… come to think of it, I think I’ve mostly only read the ones that have been made into movies. Although I read them before seeing them. The short story collection, Night Shift, is excellent. A few of the stories did find their way into movies. I was watching Cat’s Eye recently for the first time and was like, wait, I know this!

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