July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I am searching for a self help book that helps me to find out why I always feel uncomfortable receiving help and how to accept help from others. For example, my mum offers to take my baby so that I have some free time with my husband. I barely do so because my son’s behaviour is challening and I feel guilty when she takes him although she offers it. Any recommendations ?
    I enjoy easy reads like 101 essays or boss boundary by terry cole

    by Avvixx

    1 Comment

    1. Suitable-Mood-1689 on

      Do you have self-esteem issues? This could be a reason for not being able to accept help or feeling guilty because you don’t feel you deserve the help. It makes you feel like you are imposing on others.

      For me, I struggle with accepting help because I don’t want to relinquish control. I don’t feel guilty for accepting help though which I believe is a key difference here.

      Not sure what books I can recommend on the topic, I’m an introspective introvert so self awareness comes rather easily to me.

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