September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    To put it simply I love JRR Tolkien and Alexandre Dumas bud I have read all their works and need something new. I’m also looking for something to listen to on audio so if you know great books that I would like that have good narrators please tell me. Also while I love Tolkien I am NOT looking for another fantasy world thanks.

    by CountBosco_9

    1 Comment

    1. Jealous_Outside_3495 on

      Hmm… I also love Tolkien and Dumas, so perhaps you might enjoy some of the others I do.

      What comes to mind immediately are Watership Down (not a fantasy world, per se, but I think it might approach the Tolkien itch) and Victor Hugo (quite different from Dumas despite their both being French, but also sweeping, epic works with beautifully rendered characters).

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