July 2024
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    As the title says, any good books about cloning? I’ve read The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey, but don’t think I’ve read others about cloning. Any good suggestions?

    by perpetualmotionmachi


    1. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It’s amazing. Almost 100 years old and it feels like it came out recently.

    2. When I was in middle school I really enjoyed *The House of the Scorpion* by Nancy Farmer. It’s about a boy who is a clone of an old man who wants to live forever. No idea how it holds up.

    3. When I read books about cloning, I keep in mind the fact that identical twins are naturally occurring clones. With that in mind, I see whether the author seems to have that understanding. Here’s the books that pass that test.

      * [The House of the Scorpion](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13376.The_House_of_the_Scorpion), young adult sci fi.

      * [The Snow Queen](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/139986.The_Snow_Queen) by Joan D. Vinge. The main character is a clone, but cloning isn’t widespread.

      * [Never Let Me Go](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6334.Never_Let_Me_Go) by Kazuo Ishiguro. Just knowing that this book includes cloning is a major spoiler, but unfortunately there’s no way around revealing that while recommending it here. It was also made into a movie which was good.

      * Available free on one of the author’s websites, [Mirrorshades](https://www.rudyrucker.com/mirrorshades/) is a collection of short stories. Solstice and Stone Lives involve cloning.

      * [Firstborn](https://www.tor.com/2008/12/17/firstborn/) by Brandon Sanderson

      * [Glory Season](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/834670.Glory_Season) by David Brin. Unlike other things on this list, this book involves an entire society mostly made of clones.

      * [The Forever War](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21611.The_Forever_War), a book about how hard it is to come home after war. Cloning comes into the story a bit later.

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