July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think E.M.Forster should have won one, he was nominated for 16 times or something (can’t remember the exact number), and I really like his style. His stories might not be very creative plot-wise, but I like the themes he dealt with and the subtlety in his writing, and I always find his characters’ thoughts and emotions so relatable, in a ‘that’s exactly what I want to say only I couldn’t express it so well’ sort of way. My favourite novel by him is A Room with a View, and I’ll always have a soft spot for George and Lucy and Florence.

    by Chocolate_PannaCotta


    1. LowBalance4404 on

      I love EM Forster. But to answer your question, I’ve never thought about it because those awards seem meaningless. Like bought and paid for.

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