September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m trying to pickup a daily reading habit. I prefer reading in the mornings or on my commute to work. I get excited about learning new things and hoping to gain insights into positive living, learn a bit of writing English and self-improvement.

    Example books:

    – How to Win Friends and Influence People – learn positive attiture

    – How to Read a Book – Not a short or easy read, but very interesting read about how to actually learn

    – Tao Te Ching – learn about a way of life

    – Economics in one lesson – barely technical and intended for non-finance folks. it approaches equality the right way (in capitalism ig) that we often forget about when making decisions that impact others.

    by tonight_we_make_soap


    1. “Henry at Work – Thoreau on Making a Living” by John Kaag

      “Farnsworth’s Classical English Style” by Ward Farnsworth. (And there are others in the “series”)

      I mention these two because I recently picked up both via Audible’s included Plus catalog.

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