September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    He loved the Bad Guys series, Captain Underpants, Dog Man, My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish. He is kind of meh about Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Did not care for the Narnia books. Isn’t interested in Harry Potter (because I love the series and he’s very stubborn). He loves soccer but I don’t know if that’s helpful.

    Any help would be appreciated!

    ETA: he also just finished Alien Nextdoor and really enjoyed that. So maybe sci-fi?

    by Skywalker87


    1. unholyxconfessions on

      Hmmm, I loved Wayside School is Falling Down and Sideways Stories from Wayside School series when I was a kid. Reread them as a kid all of the time and went down memory road as an adult and I still love ‘em!!! Wacky humor for sure.

    2. information-zone on

      “Warrior Cats” series by Hunter could work, but it’s fantasy like Harry Potter or Narnia. (Animals as main characters.)

    3. *Fortunately the Milk, Odd and the Frost Giant, The Graveyard Book,* and *Coraline* by Neil Gaiman

      The Keys of the Kingdom books by Garth Nix

      *The Pushcart War* by Jean Merrill

    4. consciously-naive on

      The Horrible Histories books by Terry Deary, perhaps?

      Also: The Edge Chronicles (Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell), Artemis Fowl (Eoin Colfer), Just William (Richmal Crompton).

    5. I liked these when I was a kid:

      * The [Alien Adventures series]( by Bruce Coville

      * The [Secrets of Dripping Fang]( series. Very long, great for those who like Captain Underpants but a bit more serious.

      * I didn’t read these, but the Animorphs series is sci fi for the right age group. There are [fanmade free ebooks endorsed by the author.](

    6. Always “Hatchet”, great story for young men. Not what you said he typically likes but maybe it opens up a new genre for him.

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