September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I recently left a mentally damaging job after almost 4 years of being criticized for every part of my personality and behavior. I am happy to say I’m in a *much* better position now, but I’m still struggling with the feelings of inferiority and insecurity from the last place (along with basically a lifetime of low self-esteem.) I am in therapy to learn how to counteract negative thoughts but I don’t feel like I really know who I am anymore.

    What I would love is some kind of workbook or other nonfiction that can help me figure out who I am and feel comfortable in that information. I like “homework” type books with questions.

    I appreciate any and all help I can get. Thank you!

    by twrizzecks


    1. I don’t know of any specific books, but I do know that stores like Barnes and nobles have quite a few of these on the shelves, and you would be able to look through the book and see if this is the right one for you. It’s generally in the self-improvement section.

    2. I highly recommend the existential psychology of ROLLO MAY, particularly “The Courage to Create”. You may also want to start a daily journal and simply write how you are feeling and what you may be thinking day to day. It will make your therapy sessions more meaningful & productive. You’re on the threshold of true self discovery. Always ask ‘why’. Over time, it will astound you how the patterns – and reasons – which drive your behaviour emerge.

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