September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished A Little Life and I’m a *little* (no pun intended) confused.

    On page 761, Jude says, >!to Harold, “You’re going to be ninety-five.” They have a nice joke about it, how Harold will be attended by nurses and Jude will be paying for it, since at this point, where Jude is healthy enough where we’re considering Jude might actually outlive Harold and not the other way around.!<

    But then on page 812, it says,>!”JB is sixty-one and I am eighty-four.” This is taking place after they have that conversation, after Jude dies, so how is he saying he’s younger?!<

    Unless I misinterpreted something, am taking something else too literal, or missed something entirely, how old is Harold *actually* supposed to be?

    by jswoons2

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