September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    TLDR: recommendations from someone who usted to love young adult and is now 23 y.o.
    First time poster, here’s The story…
    When I was young (13-16) books were my solace and my escape and honestly brought some much needed comfort and a feeling of belonging in my otherwise lonely life. However as life got busy with school, I stopped having time to read anymore despite it being my favorite thing ever since I was a little kid.
    I’ve been craving that feeling of being immersed in a world so different than your own for a while and I don’t want to let it go to waste.
    Helpful tidbits, I’m 23 now, love science fiction and fantasy, those are were favorite books. Love me some romance of course.
    Stuff I read that might give you a clue of my teenage years: The night Circus(my absolute favorite book) Divergent, Hush Hush, The Hunger games, Shadow Hunters, Beautiful Disaster, FableHeaven, Wings, The Selection, Dream Catcher, Daughter of smoke and bone, Delirium, Matched. You get the gist the list goes on. I like magic, dystopian governments and weird experiments.
    So here I am, humbly asking for your help.
    What should I read?
    I thought about new adult (correct me if that is not the term it’s just what google said) since it’s after y.a. so it should be right up my alley.
    But I’m not judgy I love standalones that are not fantasy related too.
    Anything you want to recommend will be thoughtfully considered I promise!
    Just tell me what book you read and what you liked about it.

    by sophiiekey


    1. ThatOneWiccanCatMom on

      23 years old myself and here are just some of my recommendations.

      (In The After by Demitria Lunetta) About a post apocalyptic world that is overrun by aliens.

      (The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa) One of my personal favorites that I will always recommend. Think dystopian world ruled by vampires with monstrous creatures that roam beyond the walls that humans live in.

      (Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco) Honestly this book was a little tedious for me to get through but don’t let that discourage you from reading it. The visuals and detail alone is what kept me reading it. It’s about a witch who finds her sister has been murdered and calls upon one of the prince’s of hell to help her find out who is the murderer.

      (Deal with the Elf King by Elise Kova) About a woman who is taken to a magical realm by an Elf King and they must work together to figure out a cure for both their dying worlds. The world building is beautiful and I would love to live in that universe.

    2. The Invisible Life of Addie la Rue by V.E Schwab

      Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel

    3. themightytouch on

      I’m also your age and also read many of the books you listed. I would try Naomi Novik novels like Uprooted, and books by Marissa Meyer like Cinder and Renegades. These are all very highly regarded books that are pretty flawless imo. Also check out Becky Chambers, she has written some of the best sci fi novels of the past few years.

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