I need some help finding a book I read about 6 or 7 years ago, I was in highschool around this time. I was in a classroom for state testing and I found a book in the desk I was assigned to for a few days while my school was testing. I would finish my test early so I would read this book.
Here’s a basic premise of the book:
Its a about a highschool girl who plays soccer and her best friend either died or is missing and is trying to figure out how or why. She’s a fantastic soccer player but she’s falling into this deep depression or feeling like shes tthe only person taking her best friends disappearing/death very seriously and she starts to develope feelings for a boy in her school. I somewhat remember in the middle of the book she goes to a wooded area in her town to investigate. There is some elements of the supernatural in it.
I hope someone has an idea as to what I’m talking about because it’s driving me nuts!
by YourGhostLover99