September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What do we think l? If you were ranking the top 1000 books, then once we get past the top 100, the cream of the crop, and the 100 behind that – past all of the Shakespeares and Dickens and Faulkners, past the Joan Didions, the James Baldwins, the Patricia Highsmiths, and all those books that might not crack the most coveted spots – what would land at number 250?

    It’s mostly just a vibes question. You don’t have to have read a thousand books to answer. I feel 250 is still in “greatest books ever written” territory, so it might not even be that interesting. My sense is that I bet *They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?* would land right about there. So what about book 750? And what happens in the five hundred books between them? Do we start getting books with pretty clear flaws, or are we still in Certified Masterpiece territory?

    (My hunch for 750 is *An Inventory of Losses* by Judith Schalansky)

    by Colleen_Hoover

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