September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys! I work at a job that allows me to listen to audio books and sometimes can read during my down time. My favorite series was listening to The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. James Marsters did an amazing job narrating and I’ve honestly found it difficult to listen to other audiobooks that aren’t as captivating.

    I’ve read the Iron Druid Chronicles and found it to be similar, but I may have powered through that and now I need something new. Is it worth getting into his other series? Is there a book of a different genre that kept you just as interested?

    by Msraye


    1. Gryptype_Thynne123 on

      Check out the Laundry Files series by Charles Stross. Same sort of urban fantasy feel, plenty of humor, and enough drama to keep you interested.

    2. more_d_than_the_m on

      If you’re a Butcher fan, you might try his Codex Alera series. They’re a lot of fun and also have great audiobook versions.

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