September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m quitting my part time job soon and that is how I used ti save up for books. I want to get myself a couple of last books before I go on a pretty long book buying ban.

    Currently I’ve decided to get
    – This is how you lose the time war

    – In Memoriam (rethinking this, cuz I have Young Mungo on my immediate tbr and that is also a sad gay novel)

    Please suggest something so good that I HAVE to have a physical copy of it.
    A story that is at the core about love and humanity. It doesn’t have to be romance, it could even be about friends and strong platonic love.

    A book that will stick with me long time after I read it.

    Also NO fantasy and YA recs please. Looking for contemporary/ general fiction recs.

    by AdhesivenessOwn7747

    1 Comment

    1. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is the friendship/humanity book that you’re looking for. Just wonderful; my favorite book of the year. Author is Gabrielle Zevin.

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