July 2024
    M T W T F S S

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    1. Hmm… do you enjoy documentaries/non-fiction in visual media as well? Or do you have a preferred genre for films/series?

      Otherwise, maybe historical fiction could be something for you? I, Claudius, Pachinko, All The Lights We Cannot See, The Book Thief.

      Or realistic/unrealistic crime?

      Or maybe the more psychological nerve-wrecking type of novels?

      But it depends on what you want to feel when you’re reading. Do you want an intellectual book that critiques society by allegory? Do you want to turn off your brain by reading something that is mindlessly enjoyable? Or do you want to discover new, but intricate, perspectives and worlds?

      I would give different recommendations depending on what you want to feel/gain/experience 🙂

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